Category: Events

Open Data

20 March 2019, British Dental Association, London W1G 8YS Open Data stickers Picture credit: Jonathan Gray Continuing this year’s theme of ‘openness’, the second NetIKX seminar of 2019 was on the topic of Open Data and was presented by committee member David Penfold. David began by giving a definition of...

Wikipedia and other knowledge-sharing systems

24th January 2019, British Dental Association, London W1G 8YS The theme of NetIKX’s 2019 programme is Opening Up: what can we do to make sharing easier without making life more difficult? For the first meeting of 2019, we were delighted to welcome Andy Mabbett, an experienced Wikipedia editor and...

Knowledge, information and the power of conversations

‘A Conversation’ by Khalid Albaih (CC BY 2.0) On 12th December 2018, I attended the CILIP K&IM Knowledge Management Awards as a representative of NetIKX. As a long-time CILIP member, I’m pleased to see that the organisation is taking knowledge management on board and rewarding the contributions of its members...

tekom/tcworld 2018

tekom/tcworld conference, Stuttgart, 13-15 November 2018 This was my fourth consecutive tekom/tcworld conference and I must admit I hesitated before booking, as I wondered if I would discover anything new this year or whether I had heard it all before. I need not have worried, as the conference lived up...

Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2018

  This was my second Taxonomy Boot Camp London (TBCL), attending as a representative of NetIKX, one of the supporters of the event. I had been impressed by the quality of talks at last year’s Boot Camp and the standard this year equalled, if not exceeded, that of the previous event.  It...