Managing knowledge in project environments

A NetIKX seminar, 21 January 2021 How can we manage knowledge more effectively in project environments? This was the question posed in the most recent NetIKX seminar, led by Judy Payne, an independent consultant and co-author of Managing Knowledge in Project Environments . How do project managers define KM?...

The framework and ISO standards for Collaboration, KM and Innovation

A NetIKX seminar, 26 November 2020 At first glance it may seem counterintuitive to have standards for innovation and collaboration – these are, after all, things which many people perceive as happening organically and spontaneously:  the myth of creativity as a ‘Eureka moment’ is still prevalent, despite evidence to...

When TRIZ met KIM: how to think like a genius and resolve contradictions

TRIZ (a Russian acronym for a phrase usually translated as ‘the theory of inventive problem-solving’) is not a well-known technique in knowledge and information management circles. It is the brainchild of Genrich Altshuller, an engineer, scientist, inventor and writer – who, incidentally, paid the price for his innovative thinking...

Creative Language Conference 18 September 2020

Creativity is a quality we have all had to develop as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this year’s Creative Language Conference also called for some creative repurposing as an online event via Zoom. While there are certain aspects of a physical conference which cannot be replicated in...

Time-critical user-centred library web design

A NetIKX seminar, 22 July 2020 As we ease into the ‘new normal’, several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, online seminars are now the default for NetIKX. For this Zoom seminar we welcomed Antony Groves, Learning and Teaching Librarian at the University of Sussex, to discuss a topic which...

Leadership as a practice

An online Gurteen Knowledge Café, 03 April 2020 As a long-time fan of David Gurteen’s Knowledge Cafés, I was pleased to learn of the latest online café being offered via Zoom, on the timely issue of leadership. In the current Covid-19 crisis we have all been acutely aware of...

Teaching yourself Linked Data and the Semantic Web

If you are interested in semantic technologies and want to learn more about Linked (Open) Data, you may already have discovered that it can be a costly business to teach yourself. Not everybody has the time or resources to invest in a commercial training course or university degree, especially...

Useful evidence: getting research evidence valued and used

A NetIKX seminar, London, 21 November 2019 Evidence-based information is a popular theme for NetIKX members and this well-attended seminar was no exception. The speaker, Jonathan Breckon from the Alliance for Useful Evidence, opened with the provocative question: why do we need research evidence to make decisions? This led...